About.Making each moment shine.
Support for FamiliesTouch of Gray Adult Day Center provides exceptional daytime care and enrichment opportunities to adults who remain living in a home setting and regularly cared for by family members. Through our services, family member caregivers are able to have respite, regain freedom, and peace of mind to know their loved ones are safe and cared for.
Our GoalUpholding the dignity of each person, Touch of Gray collaborates with families to provide outstanding care and enrichment opportunities to adults so they can experience the highest quality of life.
Our Team
Sonya Borg
Allan Borg
Jonathan Moan, RN
Peter S. Ames, PhD
Cassie Madsen
We're Here for YouTouch of Gray is here to help and recognizes that each person has a unique situation and needs. That is why services at Touch of Gray are adapted to fit your needs. To find out more about some of the ways that Touch of Gray can help you, look through some of our services or contact us to have a personal tour.